During all his years he taught diligently and preached
brilliantly, upholding the faith during the incessant
persecutions through which he survived. He maintained the
Origenist traditions so faithfully that he was surnamed "the
new Origen" by Abba Petros, the l7th Patriarch, in
appreciation of his accomplishments.^3 Owing to his
persistent efforts and those of his contemporaries, the erudite
teachers of the Church of Alexandria continued to be the
most luminous point in the Church Universal, during the
third century A.D.^4
- Shortly after Abba Dionysius took the reins of the
Church, the Alexandrian populace was roused to a frenzy
against the Christians by a man who was both poet and
soothsayer. This started a local persecution, which, though
confined to the city, was nonetheless fierce. No street or
lane could be passed in safety. Bands of wild pagans
paraded all public places, compelling Christians either to
blaspheme, or be tortured and killed, and have their houses
burned. As a result of this local persecution, a general
persecution followed, instigated by Emperor Decius. It was
equally intense in its cruelty. In a vicious desire to
exterminate the Christians, Decius poured his venom on their
leaders: the more prominent a person, the surer was he to
become the target for torment. Abba Dionysius himself was
arrested and taken out of Alexandria to the town of
Taposiris, in the vicinity of Lake Mareotis. Fortunately for
the Church, his secretary, succeeded in escaping, and in so
doing was instrumental in saving the Pope. For as he was
fleeing, he met one of the faithful, who asked him where he
was going, and heard from him of the Pope's arrest and
where he had been taken. This person was on his way to a
wedding, so he hurriedly went and informed the guests
assembled of the news. Thereupon all of them firmly