l9th successor of St. Mark who played a major role at
the Council of Nicea, and about whom more will be
said as this story unfolds.
English translation in "Nicene and Post Nicene
Fathers," 2nd ser., v. 4, pp. 188-221.
Arabic Ms., of "The Paradise of the Fathers," kept at
the Baramus Monastery in the western desert at
In his book "A History of the Holy Eastern Church,"
v. l, PP·108-109.
A closed double circle of braided leather intersected
with crosses. Since it was first given by the angel of
the Lord, it became an insignia of saintliness.
Therefore the monk whose companions witness to his
uprightness is invested with it after chanting the
prayers set especially for the occasion.
As-Sadik ul Amin, v. 1, PP. 309-313.
Helen Waddell, op. cit, p.123.
"The Paradise of the Holy Fathers" translated by
Wallis Budge v·I, P· 39. The term "athletes of God"
has been used to describe the ascetics who reached a
high degree of sanctity and saintliness. Cf. Helen
Waddell, ibid: introduction, p.14.