Islam : A Short History

(Brent) #1
Index. 227

Suhrawardi, Yahya, 91-92
Suleiman I (al-Qanuni also the Mag-
nificent), 132, 136-37
Sunni Muslims, 63-65
Seljuks as, 85; 87, 96, 103, 109,
persecuted in Iran by Ismail,
tolerated by Akbar, 125; 158
fundamentalism, 170-71, 172
and Malcom X, 177
today, 184-85
Sykes-Picot agreement, 148
Syr River, 81, 85, 97,106, 115
Syria, 27, 29, 30, 32
refuses to accept AH, 34; 44, 52
Ismailis in, 69
under Ismaili Fatimids, 81
taken by Seljuks, 95; 97, 104, 106
under Ottomans, 11 5,132
Napoleon in, 148, 160

Tabari, Abu Jafar, 84
Tabriz, 117
Tahtawi, Rifah al-, 149-50
Taj Mahal, 127, 178
Talhah, 33
Taliban, 163, 170, 172
Tanzimat, 150
taziyeh, 12 1
Tehran hostages, 174
Tigris, River, 54, 97
Timur Lenk (Tamburlaine), 106, 110,
Transjordan, 148
Trench, Battle of the, 20, 21, 2 2
Tripoli, 32
Tunis, 105
Tunisia, 69, 105
occupied by French, 148; 183,
Turkish migrant workers, 176

Turkey, 148,158, 184
Twelvers, 68-69, 87, 109
declared religion of Safavids, 117;

Uhud, Battle of, 20
Umar ibn al-Khattab, Second Caliph,
5, 15, 25, 29-30, 31, 41, 52
Umar II, 50
Umayyad dynasty, 4, 32, 34, 37
caliphs, 41-42, 43, 46, 47, 48, 50
brought down by Abbasids, 53, 54,
59, 74
ideal of, 6, 11, 13-14, 24-25, 27, 30,
under Umayyads, 35, 36, 42, 43,45,
47,48, 50
under Seljuks, 84
decline of, 152, 154
United States, Muslims in, 177
Urban II, Pope, 95
Usulis, 122-2 3
Uthman ibn Affan, Third Caliph, 4,
15, 31-32, 34, 35, 46, 49, 52, 65
Umm Salamah (wife of the Prophet),
Uzbekhistan, 115
Uzbeks, 118, 124
Uzzah, al-, 8

Valli-UUah, Shah, 129
Velayat-i-Faqih, 174, 175
Vienna, 132
Volga, River, 97

Wahhabism, 135, 161
Walid I, Caliph al-, 50
Waraqa ibn Nawfal, 4
Wasan ibn Ata, 47
converted by the Prophet, 4
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