Islam : A Short History

(Brent) #1

Discussion Questions

  1. In Karen Armstrong's view, what is the historical mission
    of Islam? What is the chief duty of Muslims according to
    the Quran? What is the Islamic notion of salvation?

  2. What are the five pillars of Islam? Does Islam place more
    emphasis on right living or right belief? The community
    or the individual? In these ways, is it more similar to Chris-
    tianity or Judaism?

  3. At the time of Muhammad, what was the attitude of Islam
    toward other prophets and religious traditions? How were
    non-Muslim subjects, or dhimmi, treated in the Islamic
    empire? How does that treatment compare to what went
    on in the premodern West?

  4. Is Islam a militaristic faith? What does the Quran have to
    say about just and unjust wars? Given the context of his
    times, did Muhammad set a particularly violent or non-
    violent example?

  5. What does the Quran teach about the importance of
    converting people of other faiths? Does Islam condone
    coerced conversion? How does its theological stance on
    conversion compare to the teachings and practices of the
    other major world religions?

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