The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1


(Chapter 21)


After this, Yeshua again showed himself to the students at the Sea of Tiberias.
And this is how he showed himself. Gathered together were Shimon Kefa and
Toma called the twin and Nathanael from Kana in Galil and the sons of
Zebedee and two other students.
Shimon Kefa said, "I'm going fishing."
They told him, "We're coming with you."
They went out and got into the boat, and all that night caught nothing.
At daybreak Yeshua was standing on the beach. But the students didn't re-
alize that it was Yeshua.
Yeshua said to them,
"Children, have you any fish?"
"No," they answered him.
And he said to them,
"Cast the net in the waters to the right side
of the ship and you will find some."
So they cast, and they weren't strong enough to haul it back in because of
the swarm of fish.

Then that student whom Yeshua loved^78 said to Kefa,
"It is the lord."
When Shimon Kefa heard it was the lord, he put on his outer garment, for
he had stripped naked and thrown himself into the sea.
But the other students came in a small boat—they were not far from the
land, about a hundred yards away—dragging the net full of fish.
When they came out on the shore, they saw a charcoal fire and a small fish
placed on it, and bread.
Yeshua said to them,
"Now bring some of the fish you caught."

  1. Apparently the unknown student, who ran faster to the empty tomb than Peter and be-
    lieved what he saw. When fishing, the beloved student, not Peter, recognized Jesus on the shore.
    In the same supplement, however, Peter appears to be elevated to leadership by virtue of his
    foretold crucifixion in service of the church.

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