The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

from the power of the maternal angels.
Just when he seemed victorious, Omphale,^29
who is Babel or Aphrodite, attacked him
and seduced him and took away his strength
and Baruch's commandments ordered by Elohim,
and then she wrapped him in her own robe,
the power of Edem, the power from below.
Herakles' prophecies and work were nothing.


Finally, "in the days of king Herod,"^30
Baruch was sent once more by Elohim
and he came to Nazareth and found Jesus,
son of Joseph and Mary, feeding sheep,
a boy of twelve,^31 and he told him everything
that had happened from the beginning,
from Edem and Elohim and all that will be.
He said, "All the prophets before you
were seduced, but Jesus, earthly son,
try not to be seduced, and preach the word
to people and tell them about the father
and the Good, and ascend to the Good
and sit with Elohim, father of us all."


And Jesus obeyed the angel. He said,
"Lord, I will do all things." He affirmed this.
Naas wanted to seduce him too, but he
could not. Jesus kept faith with Baruch.
Then Naas was enraged because he could not
seduce him, and he had him crucified.

  1. Omphale is the queen of Lydia to whom Herakles was enslaved for a period of time, accord-
    ing to Greek mythology.

  2. Luke 1:5.

  3. Luke 2:42.

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