The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

saw within the light a child standing by me. As I was staring, it seemed to be
an elderly person. Again it changed its appearance to be a youth. Not that
there were several figures before me. Rather, there was a figure with several
forms within the light. These forms appeared through each other, and the
figure had three forms.
The figure said to me, John, John, why are you doubting? Why are you
afraid? Are you not familiar with this figure? Then do not be fainthearted. I am
with you always. I am the father, I am the mother, I am the child. I am the in-
corruptible and the undefiled one.^7 Now I have come to teach you what is,
what was, and what is to come,^8 that you may understand what is invisible and
what is visible; and to teach you about the unshakable race of perfect hu-
mankind.^9 So now, lift up your head that you may understand the things I
shall tell you today, and that you may relate them to your spiritual friends,
who are from the unshakable race of perfect humankind.


I asked if I might understand this, and it said to me, The One^10 is a sovereign
that has nothing over it. It is god and father of all, the invisible one that is over
all, that is incorruptible, that is pure light at which no eye can gaze.
The One is the invisible spirit. We should not think of it as a god or like a
god. For it is greater than a god, because it has nothing over it and no lord
above it.^11 It does not exist within anything inferior to it, since everything
exists within it alone.^12 It is eternal, since it does not need anything. For it is
absolutely complete. It has never lacked anything in order to be completed
by it. Rather, it is always absolutely complete in light. The One is
illimitable, since there is nothing before it to limit it,
unfathomable, since there is nothing before it to fathom it,
immeasurable, since there was nothing before it to measure it,

  1. The revelation opens with "I am" statements, used also in the Gospel of John, Thunder, the
    Round Dance of the Cross, and other texts.

  2. Another list of questions.

  3. This is a phrase used to described the gnostic group. These people cannot be shaken and do
    not waver in their quest for knowledge and truth.
    10. Coptic monas (from Greek), "monad." The following lines offer a classic statement of divine
    transcendence formulated in terms of negation. This statement in the Secret Book of John is
    similar to the Vision of the Foreigner and reminiscent also of the via negativa of the Hindu Up-
    anishads, with the insistence that the ultimate is neti neti, "not this, not that."
    11. The One is beyond deity.

  4. The One is beyond existence.

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