The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Guard yourself against the angels of misery,
the demons of chaos and all who entrap you,
and beware of deep sleep
and the trap^110 in the bowels of the underworld.
I raised and sealed the person in luminous water with five seals, that death
might not prevail over the person from that moment on.


Look, now I shall ascend to the perfect realm. I have finished everything for
you in your hearing. I have told you everything for you to record and com-
municate secretly to your spiritual friends. This is the mystery of the unshak-
able race.
The savior communicated this to John for him to record and safeguard. He
said to him, Cursed be anyone who will trade these things for a gift, for food,
drink, clothes, or anything like this.
These things were communicated to John in a mystery, and at once the sav-
ior disappeared. Then John went to the other students and reported what the
savior had told him.
Jesus the anointed

  1. Or "enclosure," even "garment."
    in. The shorter versions of the Secret Book of John in BG 8502 and Nag Hammadi Codex III
    do not include this overtly Christian concluding statement.

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