The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

John is the precursor of Christ. With these words the baptizer acknowledges
that he is not worthy of even the least honorable service to Christ. "I am un-
worthy" signifies that he came down from the greatness because of me and he
assumed flesh as a sandal. I cannot account for or describe or explain the dis-
pensation of this flesh. The world is the sandal. The demiurge of the world,^11
who is inferior to Christ, acknowledges these facts in this passage.

(9) John 1:28
All this happened in Bethany across the Jordan.
[Origen preferred reading Bethabara to Bethany.]

(10) John 1:29
Look, the lamb of god who takes away the wrong of the world.
As a prophet John said "lamb of god." As more than a prophet,^12 he also said
"who takes away the wrong of the world." The first expression refers to Christ's
body, the second one to him who was in the body. As the lamb is imperfect in
the genus of sheep, so the body is imperfect compared to him who inhabits the
body. If he had wished to ascribe perfection to the body, he would have spo-
ken of a ram that was to be sacrificed.

(11) John 2:12
After this he went down to Capernaum.
Here too the passage signifies the beginning of another dispensation, since "he
went down" was not spoken without purpose. Capernaum means both the
ends of the world and the material things to which he descended. Because to
him this was an alien place, nothing is noted as having been done or said there.

(12) John 2:13
It was almost the Passover of the Jews.
The great feast was a symbol of the passion of the savior, when the sheep not
only was slain but, when eaten, gave rest. When sacrificed, it meant the passion
of the savior in the world. When eaten, it meant rest, which lies in marriage.

  1. That is, allegorically, John.

  2. See Matthew 11:9.

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