The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

20. Valentinian Liturgical Readings

he Valentinian Liturgical Readings illustrate a Valentinian gnostic
understanding of the sacraments of anointing (chrism), baptism,
and the eucharist. These readings appear in the Nag Hammadi
library after a Valentinian Exposition, which Elaine Pagels interprets as a cat-
echism for gnostic initiates.^1 The instruction provided in the Valentinian
Exposition, though in fragmentary condition, addresses controversial and
disputed issues regarding the father of all and silence, the role of the limit
or boundary for the divine realm, and the actions and motivations of Sophia.
Once the gnostic initiates had been appropriately instructed, we may as-
sume, they would have been able to participate in the rituals of anointing,
baptism, and the eucharist, using the liturgical readings included here. These
emphasize empowerment and enlightenment. In the reading on anointing the
gnostics seek power over evil; in the first reading on baptism they celebrate
their exodus from the world into the eternal realm; in the second reading on
baptism they announce their transition from the physical realm to the spiri-
tual realm. Some of the readings conclude with a doxology and Amen.

i. In Robinson, ed., Nag Hammadi Library in English, 481-82.
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