The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

from the physical into the angelic,
from the created into the fullness,
from the world into the eternal realm,
from enslavements into sonship,
from entanglements into one another,
from the desert into our estate,
from the cold into the hot
Thus we were brought from seminal bodies
into bodies with a perfect form.
Indeed, I^7 entered by way of example
the remnant for which the anointed rescued us
in the fellowship of his spirit.
And he produced us who are in him,
and from now on the souls will be perfect spirits.
Now what is granted to us by the first baptism
is invisible ... and is his ... since ... he speaks about them.


We thank you
and celebrate the eucharist, father,
remembering your son
Jesus the anointed
come ... invisible ... your son ... his love
to knowledge ... they do your will
through the name of Jesus the anointed,
and will do your will
now and always.
They are complete
in every spiritual gift
and every purity.
Glory be to you
through your son
and your child Jesus the anointed,

  1. "I" may be the person reciting the liturgy.

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