The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

written it in Hebrew^5 and have sent it to you, and to you alone. But since you
are a minister of the salvation of the saints, try to be careful not to reveal to
many people this book that the savior did not want to reveal even to all of us,
his twelve students. Nonetheless, those who will be saved through the faith of
this treatise will be blessed.
Ten months ago I sent you another secret book^6 that the savior revealed to
me. Think of that book as revealed to me, James. But this one^7


Now, the twelve students were all sitting together, recalling what the savior had
said to each of them, whether in a hidden or an open manner, and organizing
it in books.^8 I was writing what is in my book. Look, the savior appeared, after
he had left us, while we were watching for him.
Five hundred fifty days^9 after he rose from the dead, we said to him, "Did
you depart and leave us?"
Jesus said, "No, but I shall return to the place from which I came. If you
want to come with me, come."
They all answered and said, "If you order us, we shall come."
He said, "I tell you the truth, no one will ever enter the kingdom of heaven
because I ordered it, but rather because you yourselves are filled. Leave James
and Peter to me that I may fill them."
When he called the two of them, he took them aside and commanded the
rest to keep doing what they were doing.
The savior said, "You have been treated kindly,

  1. The Coptic here includes hebraiois (from Greek, with the Greek case ending remaining). No
    such Hebrew text is known.

  2. No additional secret book of James has been identified.

  3. Several lines cannot be readily restored. One attempt is made by Dankwart Kirchner, "The
    Apocryphon of James," in Schneemelcher, ed., New Testament Apocrypha, 1.291: "[Regarding]
    this one, however, since I have not yet fully comprehended it, and since it was revealed for you
    as well, and for those who belong to you, exert yourself, and search after its doctrine. In this
    way you will attain salvation. After all this you shall reveal it as well."

  4. The openings of the Gospel of Thomas and the Book of Thomas also contain comments on
    composing books with hidden sayings.

  5. Other texts, including gnostic texts, suggest similarly long periods of time for appearances of
    Jesus, for example eighteen months (540 days), or 545 days (eighteen months plus five inter-
    calary days?), or even twelve years. On eighteen days or months, see "Be Eager for the Word,"
    below in the Secret Book of James.

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