The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1



You the lord are mingled in my hair like a crown,
and I shall never be without you.
This crown of truth was woven for me
and makes your branches blossom in me.
The crown is not dry and sterile.
You live and blossom across my head.
Your fruit is full, perfect, and mingled with salvation.


I clothe his limbs and hang from them;
I hang from his limbs. He loves me.
How would I know how to love the lord
if he didn't love me?
And who can tell us about love?
Only one who is loved knows.
I love the beloved and my soul loves him,
and I am where he reposes
and will be no stranger, for he is not petty.
He is my high merciful lord.
I have gone to merge in him.
The lover has found his beloved,
and to love the son I become the son.
Who joins the eternal? The eternal,
and who delights in the living one lives.
Such is the lord's spirit.
It doesn't lie. It teaches us ways. Be wise,
understand, and keep your eyes open.

  1. The Songs of Solomon; translated by Willis Barnstone.

  2. Song 2 is missing.

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