The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Let there be nothing without his life,
his knowledge, or his speech.
The lord has given tongue to his creation.
He opens the lips of our mouth to praise him.
Confess his powers and release his grace.

Song 8

Open your hearts to the exultation of the lord,
and float your love from your heart to your lips in a holy life.
Carry fruit to the lord.
Talk and look into his light.
You who sank low, stand up and hold your shoulders erect.
You who were silent, speak.
Your mouth has been opened.
You were despised. Now feel uplifted.
Your goodness is high.
The lord's right hand is with you,
and he will help you,
and before wars rage through the lands,
for you he prepares peace.

Hear the word of truth and drink the knowledge
that I offer from my station.
Your flesh cannot know what I say to you,
nor your robes what I show you.
Keep my mystery. It harbors you.
Keep my faith. It harbors you.
Know my knowledge, you who know me in truth.
Love me gently, you who love.
I do not turn my face from my own.
I know them. Before they were, I knew them
and set my seal on their faces.
I fashioned their limbs and prepared my breasts for them,
for them to drink my holy milk and live on it.
I took pleasure in them and see no shame in them.
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