The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Speaking waters came near my lip
from the vast fountain of the lord,
and I drank
and was drunk with the living waters
that never die,
and my drunkenness gave me knowledge.

I threw off vanity and turned to my god,
and his bounty made me rich.
I threw off the madness of the earth;
I stripped that madness from me
and cast it away,

and the lord renewed me
in his raiment
and held me in his light.
From above he gave me uncorrupt ease,
and I was like land deep and happy in its orchards,
and the lord was sun on the face of the land.

My eyes were clear,
dew was on my face,
and my nostrils enjoyed the aroma of the lord.
He took me to paradise,
where I knew joy
and worshiped his glory.

Blessings on those who are planted in your land, in paradise,
who grow in the growth of your trees
and change from gloom into light.
Your servants are lovely.
They do good;
they abjure evil and turn to your pleasantness.

They are free of the bitterness of trees
ancient in their land. You are everywhere,
always before your servants.
There is much space in paradise
but no wasteland. All is fruit.
Glory, lord, and eternal joy in paradise.
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