The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Song 14
As the eyes of a son to his father,
so my eyes turn to you always, O lord.
You are my consolation and happiness.
Don't turn your mercy from me, O lord,
nor withhold your kindness,
but stretch out your right hand
and guide me until the end of time.
Care for me, save me from evil,
and let your gentleness and love be with me.
Teach me to sing truth that I may engender fruit in you.
Open the harp of your holy spirit
so I may praise you with all its notes.
From your sea of mercy, help me in my hour of need.

Song 15
As the sun is joy to those who seek daybreak,
my joy is the lord.
He is my sun, and his rays have lifted me up
and chased all darkness from my face.
I have acquired eyes and heard his truth.
I have acquired knowledge, and he has made me happy.
I left the way of error, went to him, and he saved me.
According to his bounty, he gave me;
according to his beauty, he made me.
I found purity through his name.
I shed corruption through his grace.
Death has died before my countenance.
Hell is abolished by my word.
A deathless life appears in the land of the lord,
known to those with belief, and lasts unceasingly.

Song 16

As the work of the farmer is the plow
and the helmsman the guidance of the ship,
my work is a song to the lord.
My art and occupation are in singing his good name.
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