The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

They spoke truth breathed into them from the highest one.
His name is great and beautiful.

Song 19
A cup of milk was offered,
and I drank its sweetness as the delight of the lord.
The son is the cup,
and he who was milked is the father.
His milk should not drip out wastefully.
The holy ghost opened the father's raiment
and mingled the milk from the father's two breasts
and gave that mingling to the world,
which was unknowing.
Those who drink
are near his right hand.
The spirit opened the virgin's womb,
and she received the milk.
The virgin became a mother
of enormous mercy.
She labored but not in pain
and bore a son.
No midwife came.
She bore him as if she were a man,
openly, with dignity, with kindness.
She loved him and swaddled him
and disclosed his majesty.

Song 20

I am a priest of the lord and serve him as priest.
I offer him the offering of his thought.
His thought is not like the world,
not of the flesh
or of those who serve in the flesh.
The lord offers his goodness, his stainless heart and lips,
his inner world that is faultless.
Let hearts not oppress hearts, nor souls harm souls.
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