The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Song 24

The dove flew over the head of the messiah,
who was her head, and she sang over him
and her voice was heard.
The inhabitants were terrified
and travelers shuddered.
Birds took flight
and all creeping things died in their holes.
Abysses opened and closed.
Like women in labor they were seeking god.
They had no food.
No one belonged to them.
The abysses sank and were sealed by the lord,
and the people perished
in their own thought ancient and new.
Everyone was imperfect and died.
They could say nothing.
The lord destroyed the imagination
of all who didn't have his truth.
They were weak in wisdom
and were rejected. They lacked his truth.
The lord disclosed his way
and sprang his grace in alien lands.
Those who understand know holiness.

Song 25

I was rescued from my chains
and fled to you, my god.
You are the right hand of my salvation
and my helper.
You held back those who rose against me
and the disappeared.
Your face was with me.
I was saved by your grace.
But in the eyes of many I was abhorred and excluded.
In their eyes I was lead.
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