The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Song 34

The simple heart finds no bad way,
good thought finds no wounds.
Deep in the illuminated mind is no storm.
Surrounded on every side by the beauty of the open country,
who is not free of doubt?
Below is like above. Everything is above.
Below is nothing,
but the ignorant think they see.
Now you know grace and salvation.
Believe and live and be saved.

Song 35

The dew of the lord rinsed me with silence,
and a cloud of peace rose over my head,
guarding me.
It became my salvation.
Everybody quivered in horror.
They issued smoke and judgment,
but I was silent, near my lord,
who was more than shadow, more than foundation.
He carried me like a child by its mother.
He gave me milk, his dew,
and I grew in his bounty
and rested in his perfection.
I spread my hands out
as my soul pointed to the firmament,
and I slipped upward to him
who redeemed me.

Song 36
I found rest in the spirit of the lord,
who raised me
and had me stand on my feet in the high terrains
of the lord,
before his perfection, before his glory,
while I praised him in my poems.
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