The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

the water there is bondage, error, unchastity, envy, murder, adultery, false wit-
ness, heresies, robberies, lusts, babblings, wrath, bitterness Therefore, there
are many deaths that burden their thoughts. For I foretell it to those who have
understanding. They will refrain from the impure baptism. And those who
have understanding from the light of the spirit will not have dealings with the
impure rubbing. And their heart will not grow faint, nor will they curse, nor
will they give honor to the water. Where the curse is, there is the deficiency.
And the blindness is where the honor is. For if they mix with the evil ones, they
become empty in the dark water. Where the water has been mentioned, there is
nature, and the oath, and the lie, and the loss. For only in the unconceived
spirit, where the exalted light rested, has the water not been mentioned, nor
can it be mentioned.
"For this is my appearance: when I have completed the times that are as-
signed to me upon the earth, then I will cast from me my garment of fire.
And my unequalled garment will shine forth upon me, and all my other gar-
ments that I put on in all the clouds that were from the astonishment of the
spirit. For the air will tear my garment. My garment will shine, and it will di-
vide all the clouds up to the root of the light. Rest is the mind and my gar-
ment. And my remaining garments, those on the left and those on the right,
will shine on the back in order that the image of the light may appear. For in
the last day my garments that I put on in the three clouds will rest in their
root, that is, in the unconceived spirit, since they are without fault, through
the division of the clouds.
Therefore I have appeared, faultless, on account of the clouds, because they
are unequal, that the wickedness of nature might be ended. For she wished at
that time to snare me. She was about to restrain Soldas, who is the dark flame,
who was set on high, on the tree of error, that it might snare me. She took care
of her faith, being vainglorious.^58


"And at that time the light was about to separate from the darkness, and a
voice was heard in the world, saying, 'Blessings on the eye that has seen you

  1. Partially restored; "tree" may also be understood as "cross," hence "cross of error." The tree
    or cross may do the snaring. Michel Roberge understands all this as an unsuccessful attempt on
    the part of nature to attack the savior Derdekeas; she was unsuccessful, and crucified Jesus
    ("Soldas") instead. Also see Wisse, in Pearson, NagHammadi Codex VII, p. 107.

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