The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Then I rejoiced in the thought of the light. I came forth from the darkness
and walked in faith where the forms of nature are, up to the top of the earth,
to the things that are prepared. Your faith is upon the earth the whole day.
For all night and day she surrounds nature to take to herself the righteous
one. For nature is burdened, and she is troubled. For none will be able to
open the forms of the womb except the mind alone who was entrusted with
their likeness. For frightful is their likeness of the two forms of nature, the
one that is blind.
But they who have a free conscience remove themselves from the babbling
of nature. For they will bear witness to the universal testimony; they will strip
off the burden of darkness; they will put on the word of the light; and they will
not be kept back in the insignificant place. And what they possess from the
power of the mind they will give to faith. They will be accepted without grief.
And the chaotic fire that they possess they will leave in the middle region of
nature. And they will be received by my garments, which are in the clouds. It
is they who guide their members. They will rest in the spirit without suffering.
And because of this, the appointed term of faith appeared upon the earth for
a short time, until the darkness is taken away from her, and her testimony is
revealed that was revealed by me. They, who will prove to be from her root,
will strip off the darkness and the chaotic fire. They will put on the light of the
mind and bear witness. For all that I have said must happen.


After I cease to be upon the earth and withdraw up to my rest, a great, evil
error will come upon the world, and many evils in accordance with the num-
ber of the forms of nature. Evil times will come.^63 And when the era of na-
ture is approaching destruction, darkness will come upon the earth. The
number^64 will be small. And a demon will come up from the power who has
a likeness of fire. He will divide the heaven, and he will rest in the depth of
the east. For the whole world will quake. And the deceived world will be
thrown into confusion. Many places will be flooded because of envy of the
winds and the demons who have a name that is senseless: Phorbea, Chloerga.

  1. This section of the text has Shem explain the end of the world in apocalyptic terms some-
    what reminiscent of the book of Revelation and other apocalyptic literature.

  2. Probably the number of days.

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