The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Hermes in Cyllene.^20 These statues are images of the first man and of the
regenerated spiritual man who in every respect possesses the same nature as
the first one.
This is what the savior meant when he said, "Unless you drink my blood
and eat my flesh, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.^21 But if you drink
the cup which I drink^22 you cannot enter where I go."^23 For he knew the na-
ture of each of his students, and he knew that each had to find his proper na-
ture. He chose twelve students from the twelve tribes, and through them he
spoke to every tribe. But not everyone hears the preaching of the twelve stu-
dents, and if they do hear, they cannot accept them. For what is not according
to nature is unnatural for them.^24


This human is called corybant by the Thracians who live by the Haimos River,
and the Phrygians give him a similar name, because from the top of the head^25
and from the unimprinted brain he begins his descent and passes through all
the elements of the lower parts. We do not know how and in what way he
comes down. This is the meaning of "we heard his voice but we did not see his
appearance."^26 One hears his voice when he has been separated and imprinted,
but no one knows what form he takes when he comes down from above, from
the unimprinted one. It is in the earthly creature, but no one knows it. This is
the "god who dwells in the flood waters," according to the psalm book, and
who mumbles and cries out "from many waters."^27 The "many waters" is the
manifold race of people from which he shouts and cries to the unimprinted
human, saying, "Save my only daughter from the lions."^28 To him was said,
"You are my child, Israel. Do not fear. If you go through rivers, they will not
engulf you, and if you go through fire it will not burn you."^29 Rivers are the

  1. Hermes is the Greek messenger god and, as Hermes Trismegistos, the god of Hermetic

  2. John 6:53.

  3. Mark 10:38.

  4. John 8:21.

  5. This relates to the ancient discussion oiphysis, nature.

  6. Greek koryphe.

  7. Deuteronomy 4:12.

  8. Psalm 29:3.

  9. Psalm 22:21-22.

  10. Isaiah 41:8; 43:2.

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