The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

He is the expressed word of god, which is the word of declaration of the great
power.^83 So the word is sealed and hidden and veiled, lying in the dwelling on
which the root of all is founded, the root of aeons, powers, thoughts, gods,
angels, envoy spirits—existent and nonexistent, generated and ungenerated,
incomprehensible and comprehensible, years, months, days, hours, and an in-
divisible point from which the smallest being will come forth, part by part, to
grow. The nonexistent, underived, indivisible point will, by its own thought,
become an incomprehensible greatness. This is the kingdom of heaven, the
grain of mustard seed, the indivisible point existing in the body, which no one
but the spiritual ones alone know. This is the meaning of the words, "there are
no words or language, whose voices are not heard."^84


The law of cosmic genesis was the firstborn mind,
and after the firstborn came confused chaos.
The third place in this law fell to the soul
who was clad only in the shape of a red deer in a watery form,
and she is worn away in the slavery of death.

Sometimes she gains mastery and glimpses light,
or she plunges into evil misery and weeps.
Sometimes she is mourned and is happy,
or she weeps and is condemned.
Then she is judged and finally dies.
Sometimes she is misled down a labyrinth of evils,
trapped in a corner and with no way out.

Jesus said, Look, father, she is wandering the earth
and evil is trying to catch her.
She is wandering far from your breath.
She is trying to flee bitter chaos and knows no escape.

  1. Compare the Great Declaration (or Great Exposition, Apophasis megale), a work attributed
    to Simon Magus.

  2. Psalm 19:3.

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