The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1


such as Abathur and Ruha continue to have a mirror image in the world of
light, even after they have fallen from grace. Because of this dual quality, they
are able to function as mediators and, as we will see shortly, always possess the
potential for redemption.
Much of Mandaean literature is devoted to the ongoing struggle between
the forces of light and darkness. These mytho-historical narratives fre-
quently incorporate stories from the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.
More often than not, however, biblical episodes are turned on their head
(thus Moses is a prophet of the evil god Adonai; Jesus is a false messiah and
liar). Only the Mandaeans know the true nature of the world, and they alone
are capable of escaping or, to put it more accurately, returning to the world
of light.
Mandaean soteriology focuses on individual and collective salvation (in
Mandaic, purqana) alike. Every Mandaean possesses a soul (nishimta or
mana) from the world of light, as well as a spirit {ruha). At the time of death,
the soul ascends through seven or eight "watchhouses" (mattarta) until it ar-
rives at the throne of Abathur, who weighs the soul in his scales. If found wor-
thy, the soul is joined with the spirit and helped across the celestial waters
(hafiqia mia) by a messenger of light, and is thus returned to the house of life,
where it receives a garment and a wreath. If found unworthy, the soul is rele-
gated to a watchhouse or purgatory appropriate to its sin. For example, Jesus
the "magician" occupies a watchhouse with other men and women who prac-
ticed celibacy, while a different watchhouse contains individuals who fasted
and practiced self-mortification. On the final "day of judgment" (yoma rba
ddina), the imprisoned souls will be cast into the fiery "sea of the end" {yama
dsuf). Meanwhile, the fallen light beings, including Yoshamin, Abathur,
Ptahil, and the female figure Ruha (like her counterpart, the spirit, ruha), will
be rehabilitated and reintegrated into the world of light.


Although there are many Mandaean rituals, the two most important are bap-
tism (masbuta) and the mass for the dead (masiqta), of which several types
exist. Baptism occurs every Sunday and can be performed only in an earthly
Jordan or "living water" (a river, stream, or pool that contains flowing .water).
It represents a reenactment of Adam's baptism at the hands of the heavenly
figure Hibil (Abel) and mirrors the baptisms performed by the celestial priests
in the world of light. The ritual involves multiple immersions, blessings, and

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