The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

35. The Ginza

1 he most significant holy book of the Mandaeans is the Ginza. The

  • Ginza, whose title means "treasure," is also known as the "great
    JL. book." It is divided into two parts, the right Ginza and the left
    Ginza, the former containing mythological and theological materials, the lat-
    ter songs for the rituals for the dead.
    In the selections from the Ginza presented here, the Mandaean vision of
    the world of light and the world of darkness is portrayed with beautiful and
    powerful images. In the beginning was "a sole enormous fruit" (the pleroma),
    and from the fruit came the world of light and life. Also in the beginning were
    the black waters, and from the waters came the world of darkness, with Ruha,
    "false wisdom," and her entire entourage. Ptahil the demiurge and the planets
    create Adam: "They made Adam and laid him on the ground, but he had no
    soul." With the intervention of Mana, the exalted heavenly spirit, Adam is
    given a soul, "is clothed in the radiance of life and stands firm on his feet." The
    savior Manda dHayye, the knowledge of life, declares his role as messenger of
    light, that Adam—and people of knowledge—may be saved. In contrast to a
    Christian gospel like the Gospel of John, here it is John the baptizer who as-
    sists the light, not the sorcerer Jesus. In the end the souls that strive for the
    light come to the light.

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