The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

the sons and their soul,
and the soul may be shown
in the land where it is imprisoned.
Again Mani turns and speaks to his students:
You must become purifiers and liberators
of your soul that lives everywhere
so you may be courted in the company
of the fathers of light,
of the kingdom in the new eternity
and in the place of joy.^10

Kephalaion 38


A student asks the messenger^11 Mani about the light mind:

You said the light mind will come and be a saint
and he too is a god and many gods
are with him, and when he enters the body of the flesh
he binds the old man with his five counsels
(the five sleepless guardian sons of living spirit
in whose human form the cosmos is made)
and he inserts those five intellectual qualities
into the five limbs of his body.
Where is he now?
The old man stands chained in the body!
And though he is in bondage,
I see how demonic rebellions surge in him.^12

  1. The students, too, are to be liberators of souls.

  2. Or "apostle," here and throughout.

  3. The light mind is the divine that enters a person, but the struggle with the old man contin-
    ues. On the struggle between the new man and the old man, see Paul's discussion in l Corinthi-
    ans and Romans, as well as the (deutero-Pauline?) letter to the Ephesians.

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