The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

and his life. The living spirit and
the envoy and the five sleepless guardians.


The custodian of splendor^16 knows the mind in
the world of the mind that is above.
He has the whole of the powers of heaven
that are in the great king of honor,^17
who is the thought that is in the seventh firmament.
He has also humbled ... Adamas of light^18
who is the insight... because of lust.
The king of glory,^19 who is the counsel,
has patience over the three images
of wind, of fire, and of water.
He has him ... and over those who do evil.
Atlas,^20 who is the consideration
of wisdom in the world below.
He made him and the foundation below.
And the envoy refined from the five intellectuals of life.
The summons and the obedience were there.
Now they made six sons of the living spirit
who were together with six sons of the first man.
And the envoy placed in them the great mind
who is the column of glory, the perfect man.^21


And the young Jesus was set there. He is the image
of the living word, of the utterance and obedience.

  1. Or "keeper of splendor," one of the sons of the living spirit.

  2. Another son of the living spirit.

  3. The third son.

  4. The fourth son.

  5. The fifth son. Together the five sons of the living spirit are the intellectual qualities of the

  6. This is the mind of the universe. In Manichaean thought the column of glory is the Milky Way.

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