The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

I was sent out, and harpists were gathered and sang
of the father so I might tell the message!
I was sent out, and the air was ecstatic
to be all gathered and round the father
so I might tell the message! I was sent out,
and the bridal chamber was happy,
the land with light, the house of the father.
Look, this is the message of the skies!
I was sent out, and the walls were dug in the earth,
and the sentinels of the towers
were guarding them.
Look, this is the message!
I was sent out, and the mother watched,
and her kin were assembled round her.
Look, this is the message!
I was sent out, and the feast was prepared,
the lavish feast around the father.
Look, this is the message! I was sent out,
and the father was happy,
and pleasure was round him.
Look, this is the message!
I was sent out, and the father was gathered.
He was sleeping in his quarters in the land of light.
Look, this is the message! I was sent out, and the father
was happy and the virgins encircled him.
Look, this is the message! I was sent out,
and the harps were in their hands,
and they played for the father of the lights.
Look, this is the message!
I was sent out, and the pipes were sonorous
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