The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

and Abdallah. These five angels' five lights
join the white sea like trees of paradise.^51
"Five creatures sit in five trees in the first, white sphere:
The lion, Boraq, the white falcon, the royal phoenix,
and Duldul, who is the sign of godliness,
sit on the top of five trees,^52 singing praise,
happiness, honor, and glory from the leaves:
'All on heaven and earth glorify god,
most holy king, the powerful and wise."^53
Boraq comes from the light of Muhammad,
Duldul from the light of AH, the lion
from the light of Fatima, the white falcon
from the light of Hasan, the royal phoenix
comes from the glittering light of Husayn.
"The white sea is decorated with them.
In all this vastness in the white sphere,
a thousand times greater than other realms,
lies 'a garden as great as sky and earth.'^54
The high Duldul is proof for the believers,
and Naqib and Najib for the high king.
"Boraq beams light across this holy sea
for seven angels. The lion and falcon
spread a hundred thousand feathers of light,
and holy radiance brightens the white dome.
The royal phoenix spreads his shadow over
the heads of Naqib and Najib angels,
the stream of living water flows majestic,
'and shadows scatter and the waters gush.'^55

  1. On the five trees of paradise see Gospel of Thomas 19, and Manichaean literature. Here in
    this text the legendary trees of paradise are called tuba trees (tuba means "happiness").

  2. An eagle is perched on the tree of knowledge in paradise according to the Secret Book of
    John. In Islamic tradition Boraq is the winged horse on which prophet Muhammad rode on
    his night journey, and Duldul is Muhammad's white mule.

  3. Qur'an sura 62. The revealer proceeds to describe the seven heavenly spheres, from the first,
    white sphere to the seventh, lapis lazuli sphere.

  4. Qur'an sura 57.

  5. Qur'an sura 56.

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