The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

"The oldest of the faithless denied
seven times more than he had done before
in every other realm. And seven sparkling
colors made of millions of colors were seized
from him by Salman in the seven realms:
one from the realm of divinity, one
from the curtain manifesting the kingdom,
one in the curtain of glory, one in the sea
of the high lord, one in the sea of divinity,
one on the carpet of light, and one more sea,
which is the sanctuary of the spirit.
So the cursed Azazi'il, and those
who proceeded from his cry fell down
from the high king, down into the curtain,
and fell for seven thousand years because
of seven harsh denials and rejection.
These are noted in the Qur'an: denial
of the divinity, denial of
the kingdom, denial of the glory,
denial of the highest god, denial
of his godliness, denial of light,
and denial of the spirit's mind.
"The high king had bestowed each particle
of his inherent light to the rash fool,
who used it to create his filthy creatures.
From bellowing screams they made spirits,
filling them with disbelief, denial, lies, error,
rebellion, and corrupting avarice.


"The name of this curse changes in each realm.
In god's realm he was called Azazi'il,
and in the time of humans was called
Harith,^115 at the time of Adam, Ahriman,^116

  1. A name for the devil in Druze sources.

  2. The name of the evil god in Zoroastrian sources.

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