The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

"Others said, 'Why place someone on this earth
who unjustly sheds blood, who commits acts
of shame?' 'Azazi'il rebelled and others rose
in the madness of his misery, and said,
"If you create someone else in this world,
we will not prostrate ourselves before him.'"^144
"The high king said, 'Come before waverers
and bow down before everything above you,
and before those who know the earth and heavens
and those who know the plants and growing things.'
The angels could not comprehend, but waverers
explained the knowledge of the earth and heavens,
the names of plants and growing things, mountains
and all on earth. 'He taught Adam the names
and then he showed them to the angels.'^145


"Iblis and his people who had the form of fire
rebelled and showed their disbelief. 'We won't
bow down before them, we're better than they.'
'You fashioned me of fire but him of clay.'^146
The high king grew furious. He said to them,
'The covering will fall off all of you—
and this is hell—and you will wander proud
no longer, but you'll linger in those tight
and black and body-hugging darkest forms.'

"Iblis and his people said, 'We have praised you.
How can you let our efforts go in vain?'
The high king answered, 'I am not reducing
your wages. I have turned you into women,
beauties among the skeptics and the dregs.
Amuse them and keep them from staying on

  1. The madness of Yaldabaoth is described in the Secret Book of John.

  2. Qur'an sura 2.

  3. Qur'an sura 7.

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