The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1






My proposal is to give here a resume of what has been said previously on the
creation of the sky, the earth, and the sea for the instruction of the unknow-
ing.^5 I think that skies^6 and earth in the holy scriptures sometimes designate
real creatures of the true god, who are endowed with mind and capable of
comprehending and perceiving, and not only the elements, which always
change and are deprived of reason. As David said in the Psalms, "The skies re-
count the glory of god, and the firmament proclaims the works of his hands."^7
We read in Deuteronomy, "Skies, listen to what I am going to say: that the
earth understands the words of my mouth."^8 And in Isaiah, "Skies, listen, and
you earth, lend me your ear, because the lord has spoken."^9 Again in Jeremiah,
"Earth, earth, hear the word of the lord,"^10 and in the Psalms, "You have made
yourself a road in the sea. You have walked amid the waters."^11 David refers to
these ways when he says in the Psalms, "All the ways of the lord are but mercy
and truth."^12
Then by sky, earth, and sea we understand celestial beings. Saint John says
in Revelation:

And every creature which is in the sky,
on the earth and under the earth and on the sea,
and everything in these, I heard them saying:

  1. A portion of the section "A Shorter Version for the Instruction of the Unknowing" from the
    Book of the Two Principles; translated by Willis Barnstone from the French translation by Rene
    Nelli, Ecritures cathares, 143-48.

  2. Except in this first section, where the two subtitles are provided, the subtitles are found and
    translated from the original text.

  3. Conveying knowledge to those who do not know was a central gnostic concern.

  4. Or "heavens."

  5. Psalms 19:1. The French text numbers the Psalms one less than the English Psalms. The Eng-
    lish numbering is followed in the notes.

  6. Deuteronomy 32:1.

  7. Isaiah 1:2.

  8. Jeremiah 22:29.

  9. A free version of Psalm 77:19. also containing elements from Isaiah 43:16.

  10. Psalm 25:10.

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