The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1



Abathur Fallen light being, judge, and father of Ptahil, in Mandaean thought.
Abdallah Father of Muhammad the prophet, figure of the divine realm in the Mother of
Books (perhaps a later addition).
Abel Son of Adam and Eve in Genesis, sometimes thought to be the son of Eve and the
demiurge in gnostic thought. See also HIBIL.
Abrasax Name of a power in a variety of traditions, including gnostic traditions. The nu-
merical value of the name Abrasax in Greek totals 365, the number of days in the solar
year. The name maybe derived from the Hebrew Arba ("four," for the tetragrammaton,
the ineffable four-letter name of god, YHWH, Yahweh) Sabaoth ("hosts" or "armies,"
shortened), hence "lord of hosts."
Abu Jahl Arabic, "father of folly," a nickname for an opponent of prophet Muhammad and
a name for Azazi'il in the Mother of Books.
Abu Talib Father of Ali and uncle of Muhammad the prophet, figure of the divine realm in
the Mother of Books, perhaps a later addition.
Achamoth Lower wisdom in Valentinian texts. See ECHAMOTH and SOPHIA.
Adakas Contraction of Adam Kasya, "hidden Adam." Adakas is heavenly Adam, whose
soul animates earthly Adam in Mandaean thought. Also called Adakas-Mana. See
Adam Legendary first father of human beings in Genesis and many gnostic texts. The
name means "human being" in Hebrew, and in Genesis it is connected to 'adamah,
"earth." See also ADAMAS, GERADAMAS.
Adamantine Steel-like, diamond-like. Sometimes connected to the name Adamas.
Adamas Heavenly Adam, father of heavenly Seth in the divine pleroma. See also GER-
Adamas of light One of the five sons of the living spirit, sent out to help the primal man,
in Manichaean thought. Referred to in the Kephalaia. See ADAMAS, GERADAMAS.
Adon, Adonai Hebrew for "lord," "my lord." The root is used to form names of powers of
this world in gnostic texts, for example, Adonaios. The Jewish god is known as Adonai
in Mandaean sources.
Adonaios One of the powers of this world, linked to Sabaoth and Yaldabaoth. The name
Adonaios derives from Adonai, Hebrew for "my lord."

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