The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Soldas Demon in the Paraphrase of Shem, referred to along with another demon. May be
identified with Jesus, otherwise with John the baptizer. In the text Soldas may be cruci-
fied by the power of nature. See Roberge, La Paraphrase de Sem, 87-89, and Wisse,
"Paraphrase of Shem," 88.
Solomon Son of David and king of Israel, of legendary wisdom. A text titled the Book of
Solomon is referred to in On the Origin of the World. While the identity of this text re-
mains unknown, several known texts are attributed to Solomon, including (in addition
to the biblical texts Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs) the Testament of Solomon, which
discusses how Solomon built the temple with the help of demons.
Son of man See HUMAN CHILD.
Sophaia Power invoked in the Paraphrase of Shem. Perhaps see SOPHIA.
Sophia Divine wisdom, personified, who falls from glory and is restored in gnostic myths.
In Valentinian texts she is said to be manifested in higher wisdom (Sophia) and lower
wisdom (Achamoth; see also ECHAMOTH and ECHMOTH).
Stele Ancient monument in the form of a tablet, often with an inscription, well known in
the world of the Middle East. In gnostic texts steles are sometimes thought to be
sources of revelation preserved from antiquity. Referred to in Three Steles of Seth, the
Discourse on the Eighth and the Ninth, and possibly the Revelation of Adam.
Sumeru mountain Central mountain of the universe in Buddhist cosmology, referred to
in the Great Song to Mani.
Sun Ship of the day, a cosmic vehicle to help transport the light on its way back to the king-
dom of light, in Manichaean thought. See also SHAMISH.
Suwa One of the idol gods in the Qur'an, a name for Azazi'il in the Mother of Books.
Syzygos Partner or companion, especially in a heavenly syzygy or union of a pair of aeons
in the pleroma.
Tartaros Hades, the underworld, the realm of the dead. Often Tartaros is the lower realm
of Hades, hence hell, the place of punishment.
Tartarouchos "Controller of Hades," ruler of Tartaros. Referred to in the Book of Thomas.
Tat From Thoth, Egyptian god of wisdom and divine scribe. Tat is described as an initiate
and student in Hermetic texts.
Telmachael Telmachael Eli Eli Machar Machar Seth Name or epithet of heavenly Seth in
the Gospel of the Egyptians.
Theogony Account of the creation of the gods and goddesses.
Theona Female martyr referred to, along with Mary and others, in the Coptic Manichaean
Songbook. The name Theona may derive from a form of the Greek word theos, "god,"
or a related word.
Thomas Aramaic or Syriac for "twin"; compare Didymos, Greek for "twin." Nickname for
Judas, brother of Jesus, thought by Syrians to be the twin brother of Jesus, the compiler
of Gospel of Thomas, and a collaborator in the Book of Thomas.
Those people Phrase apparently designating gnostics, the seed of Seth, in the Revelation
of Adam.
Three hundred sixty-five Number of days in the solar year, and the numerical value of the
name Abrasax. In the Secret Book of John three hundred sixty-five angels assemble the
body of Adam.

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