The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Part Two: Literature of Gnostic Wisdom
Willis Barnstone, ed., The Other Bible; Walter Bauer, Orthodoxy and Heresy in Ear-
liest Christianity, Robert M. Grant, Gnosticism and Early Christianity; Charles W.
Hedrick and Robert Hodgson, Jr., eds., Nag Hammadi, Gnosticism, and Early
Christianity; Hans Jonas, The Gnostic Religion; A. F. J. Klijn, Seth in Jewish, Chris-
tian, and Gnostic Literature; Bentley Layton, The Gnostic Scriptures; Bentley Lay-
ton, The Rediscovery of Gnosticism; Elaine H. Pagels, The Gnostic Paul; Elaine H.
Pagels, The Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis; James M. Robinson, ed., The
Nag Hammadi Library in English; James M. Robinson and Helmut Koester, Tra-
jectories through Early Christianity; Kurt Rudolph, Gnosis; Francois Sagnard, La
Gnose valentinienne et le temoignage de Saint Irenee; Hans-Martin Schenke, "Das
sethianische System nach Nag-Hammadi-Handschriften"; Hans-Martin Schenke,
"The Problem of Gnosis"; Hans-Martin Schenke, Hans-Gebhard Bethge, and
Ursula Ulrike Kaiser, eds., Nag Hammadi Deutsch; Jonathan Z. Smith, Drudgery
Divine; G. C. Stead, "The Valentinian Myth of Sophia"; Gedaliahu A. G.
Stroumsa, Another Seed; John D. Turner, "Sethian Gnosticism: A Literary His-
tory"; John D. Turner, Sethian Gnosticism and the Platonic Tradition; Michael A.
Williams, The Immovable Race; Michael A. Williams, Rethinking "Gnosticism."

  1. The Book ofBaruch
    Critical editions of the Book of Baruch, in Hippolytus of Rome, Refutation of All
    Heresies: Miroslav Marcovich, ed., Hippolyti refutationis omnium haeresium libro-
    rum decern quae supersunt, Paul Wendland, ed.,Refutatio omnium haeresium. Eng-
    lish translations: Robert M. Grant, Gnosticism, 94-100; Robert M. Grant, "Baruch
    by Justin," in Willis Barnstone, ed., The Other Bible, 637-47; Robert Haardt, ed.,
    Gnosis, 108-16. Scholarly studies: Robert M. Grant, Gnosticism and Early Chris-
    tianity; Ernst Haenchen, "The Book Baruch," in Werner Foerster, ed., Gnosis,
    1.48-58, as well as his article under the same title; Michael A. Williams, Rethinking
    "Gnosticism," 18-23.
    4. The Secret Book of John
    Critical edition of the Secret Book of John, with introduction, Coptic text, English
    translation, and notes: Michael Waldstein and Frederik Wisse, eds., The Apoc-
    ryphon of John. English translation: Frederik Wisse, "The Apocryphon of John," in
    James M. Robinson, ed., The Nag Hammadi Library in English. Scholarly studies:
    Karen L. King, "The Apocryphon of John: Part II of the Gospel of John?"; Karen
    L. King, "Sophia and Christ in the Apocryphon of John"; Bentley Layton, The
    Gnostic Scriptures, 23-51; Michel Tardieu, Merits gnostiques: Codex de Berlin. The
    volume by Michael Waldstein and Frederik Wisse contains a lengthy bibliography.

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