The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Commentary on John is the work of the Valentinian Theodotos, whose writings
survive in fragments: critical edition, R. P. Casey, ed., The Excerpta ex Theodoto of
Clement of Alexandria.

  1. The Treatise on Resurrection

Critical edition of the Treatise on Resurrection, with introduction, Coptic text,
English translation, and notes: Malcolm L. Peel, "The Treatise on the Resurrec-
tion," in Harold W. Attridge, ed., Nag Hammadi Codex I,1.123-57,2.137-215. Eng-
lish translation: Malcolm L. Peel, "The Treatise on the Resurrection," in James M.
Robinson, ed., The Nag Hammadi Library in English. Scholarly studies: Bentley
Layton, The Gnostic Scriptures, 316-19; Bentley Layton, The Gnostic Treatise on
Resurrection; Jacques-E. Menard, Le Traite sur la resurrection.

  1. The Prayer of the Messenger Paul

Critical edition of the Prayer of the Messenger Paul, with introduction, Coptic
text, English translation, and notes: Dieter Mueller, "The Prayer of the Apostle
Paul," in Harold W. Attridge, ed., Nag Hammadi Codex I, 1.5-11, 2.1-5. English
translation: Mueller, "The Prayer of the Apostle Paul," in James M. Robinson, ed.,
The Nag Hammadi Library in English. Scholarly study: Bentley Layton, The Gnos-
tic Scriptures, 303-5.

  1. Valentinian Liturgical Readings

Critical edition of the Valentinian Liturgical Readings, with introduction, Coptic
text, English translation, and notes: John D. Turner, "On the Anointing," "On Bap-
tism A," "On Baptism B," "On the Eucharist A," "On the Eucharist B," in Charles W.
Hedrick, ed., Nag Hammadi Codices XI, XII, andXIII, 94-95,142-51,170-72. Eng-
lish translation: John D. Turner, "On the Anointing," "On Baptism A," "On Bap-
tism B," "On the Eucharist A," "On the Eucharist B," in James M. Robinson, ed.,
The Nag Hammadi Library in English.

  1. The Secret Book of James

Critical edition of the Secret Book of James, with introduction, Coptic text, Eng-
lish translation, and notes: Francis E. Williams, "The Apocryphon of James," in
Harold W. Attridge, ed., Nag Hammadi Codex 1,1.13-53,^2 -7~37- English transla-
tion: Ron Cameron, "The Apocryphon of James," in Ron Cameron, The Other
Gospels, 55-64; Ron Cameron, "The Apocryphon of James," in Willis Barnstone,
ed., The Other Bible, 543-49; Francis E. Williams, "The Apocryphon of James," in
James M. Robinson, ed., The Nag Hammadi Library in English. Scholarly studies:
Ron Cameron, Sayings Traditions in the Apocryphon of James; Dankwart Kirchner,
"The Apocryphon of James," in Wilhelm Schneemelcher, ed., New Testament Apoc-
rypha, 1.285-99; Donald Rouleau, VEpitre apocryphe de Jacques.

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