The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Frederik Wisse, "On Exegeting the Exegesis on the Soul"; Scopello, L'Exigese de
fame, with introduction, French translation, and commentary.

  1. On the Origin of the World

Critical edition of the text On the Origin of the World, with introduction, Coptic
text, English translation, notes, and presentation of the British Library and Nag
Hammadi library fragments: Hans-Gebhard Bethge, Bentley Layton, and Societas
Coptica Hierosolymitana, "On the Origin of the World," in Layton, ed., Nag Ham-
madi Codex 11,2-7, 2.11-134. English translation: Bethge, Layton, and Societas
Coptica Hierosolymitana, "On the Origin of the World," in James M. Robinson,
ed., The Nag Hammadi Library in English. Scholarly studies: Hans-Martin
Schenke, "Vom Ursprung der Welt"; Michel Tardieu, Trois mythes gnostiques;
Michael A. Williams, Rethinking "Gnosticism." Hans-Gebhard Bethge, who has
collaborated on the English scholarly edition and whose comments are quoted,
has done his doctoral dissertation on this text ("Vom Ursprung der Welt").

  1. The Paraphrase ofShem

Critical edition of the Paraphrase of Shem, with introduction, Coptic text, English
translation, and notes: Frederik Wisse, "The Paraphrase of Shem," in Birger A.
Pearson, ed., Nag Hammadi Codex VII, 15-127. English translation: Michel
Roberge and Frederik Wisse, "The Paraphrase of Shem," in James M. Robinson,
ed., The Nag Hammadi Library in English. Scholarly studies: Michel Roberge, "An-
throgonie et anthropologic dans le Paraphrase de Sem"; Michel Roberge, Le Para-
phrase de Sem.

  1. The Second Treatise of the Great Seth
    Critical edition of the Second Treatise of the Great Seth, with introduction, Cop-
    tic text, English translation, and notes: Gregory Riley, "The Second Treatise of the
    Great Seth," in Birger A. Pearson, ed., Nag Hammadi Codex VII, 129-99. English
    translation: Roger A. Bullard and Joseph A. Gibbons, "The Second Treatise of the
    Great Seth," in James M. Robinson, ed., The Nag Hammadi Library in English.
    Scholarly studies: Hans-Gebhard Bethge, "Zweite Logos des grossen Seth"; Louis
    Painchaud, Le Deuxieme Traite du Grand Seth.

  2. The Gospel of Mary

Critical edition of the Gospel of Mary, with introduction, Coptic text, English
translation, and notes: George W. MacRae and R. McL. Wilson, "The Gospel of
Mary," in Douglas M. Parrott, ed., Nag Hammadi Codices V, 2-5 and VI, 453-71.
English translation: Karen L. King, MacRae, and Wilson, "The Gospel of Mary," in
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