The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

(Chapter 17)


Yeshua said this, then raised his eyes to the sky and said,
"Father, the hour has come.
Glorify your son so that your son may glorify you,
as you gave him authority over all flesh^51
so he may give life everlasting to all you have given him.
"And this is the life everlasting
so that they may know you, the only true god,
and he whom you sent, Yeshua the anointed.^52
I glorified you on earth
by completing the work you gave me to do.
And now glorify me, father, with yourself,
with the glory I had with you before the world was.
"I made your name known to the people
whom you gave me from the world.
They were yours and you gave them to me
and they have kept your word.
Now they know that all you gave me comes from you.
Because the words you gave me I gave them.
And they accepted them,
and they knew the truth that I came from you
and believed that you sent me.
I ask for their sake.
I am asking not for the sake of the world
but for the ones whom you gave me
because they are yours.
And all that is mine is yours and yours is mine
and I am glorified in them.
"And I am no longer in the world
but they are in the world,

  1. Here "all flesh" in a larger sense means "all people."

  2. Or "the messiah."

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