Italian Ceramics: Catalogue of the J. Paul Getty Museum Collection

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Lucretia Painter, 139
Lugano, Collection, ITALIKA
crespina, 178, 181
Damiron family, ex-collection, 77m 2, 80,
81 , 90, 128, 170
Musee des Arts Decoratifs
plate, 139
tondino, 132
wet-drug jar, 85

Buen Retiro porcelain factory, 13, 229m 7,
Instituto de Valencia de Don Juan
jar, 72
Museo Arqueologico Nacional
tile, 23
Maestro Benedetto, 125
Maghrib, 2
majolica, 17n. 1
Majorca, 1, 23n. 2
Malaga, 1, 2, 17n. 2, 24, 69
Mamluks, 39
Manara, Baldassare, 139, 170
Dish with Saint Clare, 170, 171-72
maniera durantina, 182
Manises, ceramics from, 20, 50, 69
basin, 24, 25-27, 29
jars, 2, 68, 72
plates, 7, 50, 55
Mannerist style, 182, 184, 209
Mantegna, Andrea
The Adoration of the Magi, 110
Mantua, 148
Maria, Giovanni, 128, 182
"Julius II" bowl, 131
plate, 131
Mark, Saint, 236n. 5
marzocco emblem, 50
Master C. I., 156
plaque with Deputation of Coriolanus,
137 , 138, 139
plate with Samson in the Temple, 137,
137 , 1 39nn. 22, 23
Master Gonela, 139, 156
Master of the Marble Madonnas, 96
Master of the Resurrection Panel, 139
Master of the Taft Orpheus, 158
materia medica, 204
Mazzeo, Piero di, workshop. See under
McNab, Jessie, 15
Medici, Cosimo I de' (grand duke), 11, 202
Medici, Ferdinand de' (grand prince), 221n. 2
Medici, Francesco I de' (grand duke), 12, 196,
202, 203
Medici porcelain factory. See under Florence
Meissen porcelain factory, 230
figure of Beltrame di Milano, 12

Melbourne, National Gallery of Victoria
drug jar, 60
Melich, Georg, and Orazio Guarguanti
Avertimenti, 210
memento mori theme, 117n. 3
Messina, Spano ex-collection, 72
Mezzarisa, Francesco, workshop
crespina, 181
Biblioteca Ambrosiana, 210n. 12
Museo del Castello Sforzesco
plate, 146
private collection
drug jar, 60
Rossi, Guido, collection
drug jar, 60
Milan, ceramics possibly from
drug jars, 204, 205-9, 209, 209, 210
Milano, Beltrame di, figure of, 12
Ming dynasty, 6, 73m 3, 198
Minneapolis, Minneapolis Museum of Art
jar, 76
Minton factory, 17n. 1
Mithridates Eupator VI (king), 204, 210n. 3
mithridates, 204
Modena, 202
Mohammed II (sultan), 128
Montagna, Benedetto, 178
Montefeltro, Guidobaldo da (duke), 11
Montelupo, Museo Archeologico e della
fragments of a jug, 66, 68
fragments of a plate, 81, 85
Montelupo, ceramics from, 6, 66, 86, 126,
Bust of Christ, 96, 97-100, 100, 101, 102-
dish, 46, 47-48, 49
fragments of a jug, 66, 68
fragments of a plate, 81,85
jars, 66, 66-68, 69, 70-70, 71, 71, 72-73,
82, 83-84, 85, 118, 119-23
jugs, 78, 78-80, 81, 81
Montmorency, Anne (duke), 12
Morgan, Sr., J. Pierpont, 15, 64n. 1
ex-collection, 118, 178
Munich, Pringsheim, Alfred, ex-collection,
46 , 74, 90, 116, 118, 132, 169
Murcia, 1, 2, 24
Musi, Agostino, 185

Naples, 13, 86
Charlesworth, Williams, ex-collection,
238, 243, 244n. 10
Girasole ex-collection
drug jar, 90, 94
Museo Nazionale della Ceramica
albarello, 118
Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte
jars, 60, 72
pitcher, 132


Museo Nazionale di San Martino
basin, 197
Real Fabbrica, 243
Naples, ceramics from
drug jar, 90, 91-93, 94, 94, 95
Saint Joseph with the Christ Child, 238 ,
239-41, 243-44
narrative scenes, 8, 196. See also istoriato
Nasrid kingdom, 2
Nazis, ceramics looted by, 36, 42, 46, 74, 90,
neutron activation analysis, 16, 81, 82, 100,
New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery
Bust of a Young Girl, 160, 164, 165
Madonna and Child, 73
New York
Bak, Robert, ex-collection, 24, 94, 118
Blumka, Ruth, ex-collection, 20, 77m 2
Hispanic Society of America
dishes, 24, 68
plate, 20
tile, 23
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 64n. 1
bust, 165n. 1 6
dish, 148
jars, 48, 60, 94
"Julius II" bowl, 128, 131
Medici porcelain, 203
plates, 77n. 2, 174
tile, 60
Nicchia district, 33n. 1
Nicola di Gabriele Sbraghe da Urbino
workshop. See under Urbino
Norfolk, Narford Hall
maiolica collection, 15
Nuremberg, 12

obra de mdlequa, 1, 17n. 2
orciuoli, 42
orciuolo biansato, 36
Orvieto, cathedral, 30, 156
Ottoman Empire, 201
Metamorphoses, 146, 147, 148, 192, 197
Oxford, Ashmolean Museum
basins, 196, 197
jug, 80, 81
plates, 128, 131, 202

Painter of the Apollo Basin, 169
Paladini, Filippo di Lorenzo
Giving Drink to the Thirsty, 103
Palaeologus, John VIII (emperor), 128
Adda ex-collection, 77n. 2, 112, 117n. 4,
Basilewski ex-collection, 191
Bibliotheque Nationale

266 Index

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