Handbook of the Sociology of Religion

(WallPaper) #1

480 Index

Sorel, Georges, 362
Southern Baptists, 393
spirituality, 9, 14; defined, 138; and
individualism, 138–42; rising importance
of in context of individualism, 143–6; and
typology of religious identities, 146–8;
relation between religiousness and, 179–80;
subjects of study of religiousness and,
180–1; in second half of adult life, 183–5;
and vital involvement in late adulthood,
Stacey, Judith, 281, 285
standpoint theory, 286, 287, 288
Stark, Rodney, 11, 116; on influence of
education on religious choices, 161
Stephens, Laura, 11
Stinson, Linda: on church attendance, 89,
Stokes, Kenneth, 184
Stolzenberg, Ross M.: on influence of
education on religious choices, 161
Strauss, Anselm L., 248
Strawbridge, William: on impact of religion
on health, 194, 199
subculture: as sensitizing concept, 22
Sutton, John C., 126
Swidler, Ann, 144, 266, 341

Tabory, Ephraim, 12
Tai Chi: as religious movement, 57
terrorism: mystic and apocalyptic orientation
as ground for, 371–3.See alsoWorld Trade
Center attack; abortion: and terrorism at
Texas Industrial Areas Foundation, 389n5,
390n7, 391
Thompson, E. P., 360
Thorne, Barrie, 285
Thumma, Scott: on identity of evangelical
gays, 208
Tibet, 389
Tilly, Charles, 363
Tobin, G. A., 255
Tractarians: as entrepreneurs, 128
traditionalism: and moral authority, 335, 336,
transcendence: as defining characteristic of
religion, 58
Transcendental Meditation, 52; as religious
movement, 57

Traugott, Michael, 90
Trinh, Sylvanie, 378
Troeltsch, Ernst: and church-sect typology,
Turner, Victor, 419

Unification Church, 51

Verba, S., 394
Vidal, Jamie, 400
Vietnam War: anti-war movement, 19
violence, 9, 12, 13, 14, 259–60, 379–81;
against battered women, 289–90, 406–7,
410; defining violence, 360–2; general
theories of, 362–4; religious, 364–5; and
social order, 365–7; typology of religion
and, 367–8; under hierocratic domination,
368–70, 380; and competition between
religions, 370–1; and colonization, 371;
and religion in counterhegemonic
conflicts, 371–3; and nationalism, 373–4;
and anticolonialism, 374–5; and
countercultural religious conflicts, 375–9.
See alsosocial conflict
Visser, Margaret, 40–1
Visser, Max, 313
voluntary associations; in civil society, 350,
voting behavior: and religion, 8, 13
Voye, Liliane, 67, 98 ́

Wallace, Ruth: and feminism, 279
Walzer, Michael, 373
Warner, R. Stephen, 226, 227, 228; and
rational choice theory, 68–9; on identity
formation through music and movement,
217–8; and pluralism, 343; and defacto
congregationalism, 345
Waugh, Earle, 228
Waxman, Chaim, 242
Weber, Max, 7, 17, 18, 19, 21, 69, 119, 121,
123, 202, 279, 372; study of religions by,
17, 18; contributions to sociology of
religion, 62, 63–4, 65–6; and secularization
theory, 111; and church-sect typology,
124–5; on religion and social order, 365–6,
367; on monopolistic religion, 368
Wicca, 52; as religious movement, 57; and
spiritual seeking, 147; and goddess
religions, 284–5
Williame, J-P., 65, 67
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