An Overview
of the
Buddhist Scriptures
A. The Pali Canon: The Tipi{aka ("Three Baskets")
I. Vinaya-pi[aka ("Basket ofDiscipline")
- Sutta-vibhanga ("Analysis of the Text")-the rules of the
Patimokkha codes with explanations and commentary.
a. Mahavibhanga ("Great Analysis")-the 227 rules for monks.
b. Bhikkhu1Ji-vibhanga ("Nuns' Analysis")-the 310 rules for
nuns. - Khandhaka ("Groupings")
a. Mahiivagga ("Great Chapter")-rules for ordination, Obser-
vance Day, rainy-season retreat, clothing, food, medicine, and
procedures of the Sangha.
b. Cullavagga ("Lesser Chapter")-judicial procedures, miscella-
neous rules, ordination and instruction of nuns, history of the
First and Second Councils ..
- Parivifra ("Appendix")-summaries and classifications of the rules ..
This is a late supplement.
II. Sutta-pitaka ("Basket ofDiscourses") - Digha-nikaya ("Collection of Long Discourses")-34 suttas.
- Majjhima-nikaya ("Collection of Medium Discourses")-152
suttas. - Sa1J1yutta-nikaya ("Collection of Connected Discourses")-56
groups of suttas.