Pronunciation Guide
As a pan-Asian religion, Buddhism has made use of the major languages of an
entire continent. None of these languages is natively written in the Roman al-
phabet, but all can be transliterated into it. Each system of transliteration car-
ries its own set of pronunciation difficulties. The following guidelines are
intended simply to help the student overcome some of the more blatant hur-
dles to approximating correct pronunciation. They are not complete phonetic
Sanskrit and Pali. A few basic rules for pronouncing words in these lan-
guages are as follows:
- Marked vowels: A bar (called a macron) over a vowel makes it long, not so
much in quality as in the length of time it is pronounced. Thus:
a as in "father"
i as in "machine"
ii as in "rule" - Unmarked vowels:
a as in "about"
e as in "they"
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