This book is about digital photography, which
includes every operation from taking the picture to
delivering the print. In 23 chapters you will learn
about cameras, film, scanners, portraiture, print-
ing, and presentation.
Did I just say the word “film?” This beginner’s
guide is about digital photography, not digital
cameras. A big difference not so apparent to ama-
teurs. Most beginners think “digital photography”
simply means donating the old instamatic and
buying a digital Canon. This book will show you
that digital cameras are great (because they are so
convenient), but even an old Pentax 35mm film
camera can get you started.
Digital photography is also known as the “Digital
Darkroom,” because you no longer need to build a
darkroom in your basement, and mess around
with smelly chemicals. The digital darkroom
includes digital cameras and traditional cameras.
Yes that’s right. Digital photography replaces the
traditional darkroom, not necessarily the camera
you’ve been using all these years.
If you have a digital camera, photography is just
that much easier. But if you haven’t broken down
and shelled out several hundred (to several thou-
sand!) for a new digital camera, not to worry. You
can be a “digital photographer” too. Editing your
images, printing pictures, and showing your work
to the world has nothing to do with the camera
you use or the medium on which you captured
your subjects. How your get your pictures on the
hard drive is up to you. Fortunately, this book
explains the entire acquisition and editing process.
Some printers today
can “speak” the language
of digital cameras. You no longer
even need a computer to move
from digital images to prints!
Be sure to check out
the full-color online gallery
of digital photographs, including
photographs featured in this book,
at the companion Web site Type the
ISBN (excluding hyphens), or type
in the title of the book in the
Search field and click on the Web
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