Absolute Beginner's Guide to Digital Photography

(Ann) #1

  1. Make a duplicate of the file so that the original file remains intact by choos-
    ing File, Save As (give the new file its own name).

  2. Check the size and resolution of your final image by choosing Image, Image
    Size. The image should be at least 1600×1200 and at least 150 pixels per
    inch. Adjust these settings if necessary.

  3. Choose File, Save to save the file.

Tr y some of the procedures shown on the following pages or experiment on your own.

Toolbox Options

Every tool has options that enable you to refine the tool’s effects on your image.
Click on a tool on the toolbar (see Figure 10.4). You can adjust the effects of many of
these tools in the Tool options bar that appears at the top of the screen. Click on a
different tool and a different set of options will appear in the options bar.


Tool options for
the Magic
Wand appear
after clicking on
the tool.

After you select a tool, you can refine it by adjusting its options in the Options bar.

Fly-Out Menus

The toolbox contains more tools than those that appear. Wherever you see a small
arrow in the right-hand corner of an icon, a fly-out menu is available (see Figure
10.5). Related tools are accessible by clicking on the icon and holding down the
mouse button until the fly-out menu appears.
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