Absolute Beginner's Guide to Digital Photography

(Ann) #1
Digital eBay 2-megapixel 128MB CF Visit printer Print 100 $172
(Store-printed) camera ($100) or SD card at warehouse 4 ×6 prints
($30) and club ($0) on dye-
batteries sublimation
($12–$42) printer ($30)

For someone starting from scratch (no computer, no
camera) who is serious about editing images, tradi-
tional photography can be much less expensive. In
addition, the equipment for traditional photogra-
phy is much more sturdy (a solid Pentax versus a
cheap plastic CCD camera), the camera won’t
become obsolete for quite a while, and most impor-
tant, the camera will keep working when its batter-
ies run out. Not so for digital.
Most people have their own computer, which, of
course, is the largest expense. If this is the case, the
biggest cost outside the camera is printer ink. You
can even get around this cost by printing at ware-
house clubs or at free-standing kiosks. You can read
more about the true cost of ink in Chapter 18,
“Printers and Printer Resolution.”


One major benefit of
digital photography is that
it has finally lowered the cost of
traditional film and developing.
Remember when a roll of film
cost at least $5 per 24-exposure
roll, and developing that roll cost
$7? Photography was expensive!
Today some drugstore chains are
giving away film to lock you into
their developing, which only costs
$3 with coupon. And warehouse
chains now sell five rolls of film in
“bulk packs” for $7. Thank you

Table 1.1 Continued
Ty pe of Camera
Photography (35mm) Film Developing Prints Total
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