Absolute Beginner's Guide to Digital Photography

(Ann) #1
photographs, and to adjust the contrast, color balance, or other characteris-
tics. You can also use art software to create backgrounds or navigation but-
tons that take the viewer from one place to another on the CD.

  1. Open your images in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements and crop your photo-
    graphs (if necessary).

  2. Create navigation buttons in Photoshop (see Figure 19.4) or find free buttons
    on the Internet. Visit Google.com and enter the search phrase “Web site but-
    tons” and visit some sites. Usually the free buttons aren’t as valuable as the
    tutorials for making buttons in Photoshop or Illustrator.


Building but-
tons in
Elements for
your custom

  1. Prepare the text. Text such as titles and captions can be created either in
    Photoshop or Macromedia Director, or imported from a word processing pro-
    gram such as Microsoft Word. Text can be embedded in pictures using

  2. Write and lay out the text portion of your CD. This is probably the easiest
    part of the assignment, as long as you have something to say. Place the sub-
    ject matter, the time the images were taken, and any other story behind the
    pictures in your document.

  3. Add video if you have it. You will need to learn how to import video into your
    project (see Figure 19.5). Prepare video clips (optional). Videos can be con-
    verted to digital QuickTime movies using an editing program like Adobe
    Premiere, iMovie, or Microsoft Movie Maker.

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