Basic English Grammar with Exercises

(ff) #1
Exercise 11

(2) VP


V' adjunct

V^0 XP


As it can be seen in (2), the verb and its complement forms a phrase without the
adjunct, while the verb itself cannot form a phrase without its complement. This fact
can be made use of when we would like to decide about the complement or the adjunct
status of a particular item. If a phrase can somehow be separated from the verb, then it
is an adjunct, while if it cannot be separated, then the phrase is probably a complement
of the verb.
Let us apply the so called ‘do so’ test for sentences (1a) and (1b). The string do so
or did so always substitutes for a VP. If the sentence is well-formed, then the phrase
which do so stands for is a VP. If the sentence is ill-formed, then the string of words
which do so stands for is not a VP.

(3) a. Jim wrote a letter on the table and David wrote a letter on the desk.
b. Jim wrote a letter on the table and David did so on the desk.

As we can see in (3a–b), did so substitutes for wrote a letter. The sentence is well-
formed, which means that the string wrote a letter is a VP. The PP on the desk is
outside the VP, so it is an adjunct.

(4) a. Jim put a letter on the table and David put a letter on the desk.
b. *Jim put a letter on the table and David did so on the desk.
c. Jim put a letter on the desk and so did David.

In (4b) did so stands for put a letter. Since (4b) is ill-formed, the string put a letter
cannot be a full VP. The PP on the desk is part of the VP, which can be seen in (4c) as
well, where so did substitutes for put a letter on the desk. According to (4b), the PP on
the desk is a complement of the verb in (1b).
Let us choose a different test for sentences (1c–d). The test used in (5) and (6) is
called VP-fronting.

(5) a. Mary wanted to sleep in the bed and [sleep] 1 she did e 1 in the bed.
b. Mary wanted to sleep in the bed and [sleep in the bed] 1 she did e 1.

(6) a. *Mary wanted to stay in the bed and [stay] 1 she did e 1 in the bed.
b. Mary wanted to stay in the bed and [stay in the bed] 1 she did e 1.

In (5a) sleep was moved from behind did. The sentence is grammatical, which
means that the moved item has to be a full phrase. sleep is a VP, thus the PP in the bed
is an adjunct. Since the VP and the adjunct together form a VP node as well, sentence
(5b) will also be grammatical.

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