Achieve different visual effects and textures using basic drawing,
painting, and collage instruments
Create a representation of basic body parts and their connections
Draw, paint, and use collage techniques to make animals with
attention to their characteristics, similarities, and differences
Depict different emotions and facial expressions
Create various climates, weather conditions, and seasons
Depict movement in people, animals, or cars in their work
Use basic drawing and painting instruments appropriately and safely
Create prints using simple printmaking processes (i.e. monoprints, rubbings,
gadgets, and veggie prints)
Use printmaking materials and tools appropriately and safely
Create sculpture (including kinetic and relief) using manipulative
and additive processes
Use sculpture materials and tools appropriately and safely
Create simple ceramic objects (i.e. combined pinch pots to create a
form for animal bodies)
Create artwork using fibers (i.e. weaving and stitchery)
Use craft materials appropriately and safely
Use simple art vocabulary to talk about their art and the art of others
Recognize the use of art to communicate beyond written / spoken word
Recognize that art is a way of recording history
Name famous works of art and artists
Name ways that individuals derive personal pleasure from creating works of art
(Art as an avocation)
Name ways that some individuals make a living from creating works of art (Art
as a vocation)