Name of Unit: Our Artistic Heritage: Art Forms and Media
Lesson Plans Brief Description Pacing
Plan landscape and
begin painting large
areas of color in
Paint details
More details in oil pastels
Critique and Self
Explorations in Art, We
The People: People and
Their Stories, pp. 2-3.
Grant Wood
Regionalism (Grant
Wood’s style) has deep
historical roots in
American art, continuing a
tradition begun with the
Hudson River School in
the 1860s and extending
into the present. Compare
and contrast the work of
the Hudson River School
landscapes and that of
Grant Wood.
Grant Wood (Getting to
Know the World's Greatest
Artists) by Mike Venezia,
Review perspective,
depth, foreground, middle
ground, background,
Lightly sketch simplified
landscape showing a
sense of depth.
Add crops, buildings,
trees, animals, fences
Draw more details in oil
Follow Critique and/or self-
assessment procedures
1 Session
2 Sessions
1-2 Sessions
1 Session
1 Session