Elementary Visual School Arts

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Scoring Guides and Answer Keys

Engaging Learning Experiences
Learning Activities Using Text or Program Authentic Performance Tasks
Demonstration of wet – wet watercolor
painting using cool colors and using oil
pastels to add details

Linnea in Monet’s Garden DVD

Explorations in Art, Outdoor Stories:
Warm and Cool Colors, pp 72-73,
102-103 ( Land and Sky: Showing Near
and Far)

Pre-assessment of painting vocabulary
Q & A (see above)

Painting of “water”, adding details with
oil pastels

Self Assessment

Review of Essential Questions

Research-Based Effective Teaching

21 st Century Learning Skills

Check all that apply to the unit:

Identifying Similarities and Differences
Summarizing and Note Taking

X Reinforcing Effort, Providing


Homework and Practice

X Nonlinguistic Representations

Cooperative Learning

X Setting Objectives, Providing


Generating and Testing Hypotheses

X Cues, Questions, and Advance


Interdisciplinary Non-Fiction Writing

Check all that apply to the unit:
Teamwork and Collaboration
Initiative and Leadership
X Curiosity and Imagination
X Innovation and Creativity
X Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Flexibility and Adaptability
Effective Oral and Written
Accessing and Analyzing
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